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Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking

Recycled Turpentine Decking


Recycled Turpentine Decking

Turpentine (Syncarpia Glomulifera) is a durable timber (class 1 above ground, class 2 in) with a red to brown to burnt orange appearance.

Our timber is recycled from wharf piles, reclaimed from a redevelopment project in Sydney.

Dimensions: 100mm wide and 25mm thick (rough sawn), 86mm wide x 19mm thick.

Complete our product enquiry form below or contact our team to check if we have this product in stock.


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