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Featured Projects

Little Granite House by BRD Studio

Little Granite House by BRD Studio

by Kate Sutton

6 months ago

Take a look at our stunning Macrocarpa that has been used extensively as cladding, as well as posts, and beams in this off-grid beauty by BRD Studios, the Little Granite House, on Dhudhuroa Country, Wooragee.

We love this build which is guided by passive solar and biophilic design philosophies and sits on a compact 100m2 footprint. It's an aspiring design and does a wonderful job at connecting its inhabitants with their surrounding environment, creating space to share and creating community.

BRD Studios are one of those rare ones who both design and build their clients plans into reality and truly live by their values, a repeat customer with us. We love when architects and builders embrace sustainable design in its truest sense, which includes their timber supply. Something that is often overlooked.

Check out our Timber Availability List | See our cladding products