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Urban Forestry Project Pilot


CERES Fair Wood Pilots Urban Forestry Service


CERES Fair Wood is piloting an Urban Forestry Service. This service reimagines where forestry happens by bringing the sawmill into the city and employs a highest and best use (HABU) principle that diverts "waste" urban trees into ethical timber products.

We are working with a number of partners including Big Build to divert trees from the waste stream.

You can read more about our service through the capability statement link below.

CERES Fair Wood and Julia's Onsite Timber Milling Capability Statement Urban Forestry Service

We are working with:

Level Crossing Removals Project

Major Roads Projects Victoria



John Holland

Fulton Hogan


McConnell Dowell


Please contact Darcy if you would like to chat about an upcoming project and how we can work together.

Darcy Vermont

Urban Forestry Services Manager


We would like to thank Sustainable Table and the WWF Innovate to Regenerate program for the funding support while we scope and pilot this initiative. 


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