Reimagining where forestry happens, and placing value in "waste" wood.

We operate an end-to-end Urban Forestry Service to produce timber, generate employment and lock up carbon.

Using Highest And Best Use practice (HABU), we divert urban trees from going to waste by converting them into ethical timber products.

Every year, trees in Melbourne are removed due to reasons such as storms, disease, mitigating safety hazards or infrastructure development. While native forests are being logged, trees in our city are being considered “waste” and are mulched or dumped in the organic waste stream.

There’s an urgent need to preserve our native forests and help Victoria’s construction sector to make use of wood resources we have locally available.

Working closely with established millers, we mill, dry, machine and make furniture from urban logs.

Can we help with your project?

We work with you through the entire process to achieve your environmental, sustainability and social procurement objectives.

Reach out to urbanforestry@ceres.org.au to start a conversation.


We can identify trees suitable for milling and assess what applications may be appropriate for the timber.

Delivery and Storage

We deliver and store logs at our dedicated mill site, and provide return delivery.


We are able to expertly mill the trees either onsite or at a dedicated mill site. This includes drying and machining.

For Planet

All surplus and other donations of timber become part of Fair Wood's supply chain, funding the ongoing work of CERES, Victoria's largest environmental charity education provider.

Keon Park

In 2022, the Level Crossing Removal Project teams contacted us about our efforts to save urban trees from being chipped. They had already begun preserving Class 1 durable hardwood logs from Northern region Level Crossing projects.

Together, we navigated the complexities of repurposing these logs, eventually transforming River Red Gum timber into feature seating for the newly reopened Keon Park train station in Thomastown, Melbourne.

Brunt Road

When the Brunt Road Level Crossing Removal Project donated seven large Spotted Gum and Southern Mahogany tree logs to us, we collaborated on how we could repurpose some of this timber into a meaningful and community-focused product.

Returning to the location where the tree originally grew, this Spotted Gum park bench made by our carpenter, George, offers locals a perch to sit and admire the park and natural surroundings.

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