CERES Fair Wood wins Darebin competition for start-ups! March 2018

CERES Fair Wood wins Darebin competition for start-ups! March 2018
CERES Fair Wood wins Darebin competition for start-ups! March 2018.
Photo by Ellen Smith
'Architect Paul Haar came up with the idea to counter the huge amount of timber illegally farmed from countries like Myanmar and Cambodia and support sustainable and environmentally conscious farmers...CERES Fair Foods general manager Chris Ennis, who currently heads the project, said the same people who buy electric cars and fair trade coffee would buy timber they knew was sustainable...
“It’s about buying wood you know has been grown with a social and environmental approach in mind,” he said.
Mr Ennis has no plans for global domination, simply seeing CERES Fair Wood as an example of a business that can be run ethically and support local farmers.'
To read the full article in the Herald Sun, click here!