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Chatting all things DIY at Melbourne Home Show

Chatting all things DIY at Melbourne Home Show

by Hannah Savage

4 months ago

Three days at Melbourne Home Show were a fun and busy blur for the Fair Wood team on the 23rd to 25th of August, 2024. The event saw crowds of Victoria state locals fill the expo hall at Exhibition Centre in Southbank.

Amongst the exciting buzz of chatter and demonstrations of some interesting home products, the Melbourne Home Show was a great opportunity for us to converse with people in our community; some about to embark on house renovations, others working in architecture or construction industries, and a few simply curious to find out what we mean when say 'fair' and 'sustainable'. 

A giveaway planter box was on display - our carpentry timber whipped this up, repurposing timber once used as fencing.

Events seem to be becoming our thing; Be sure to follow us on social media for news and updates about any future events we'll be attending.