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Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

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Macrocarpa Cypress rustic shiplap cladding sale pack

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These cladding boards would give the perfect homely aesthetic to a backyard shed, clubhouse or kennel. 

Be aware, the boards are rustic and contain knot holes, therefore are unsuitable for structural purposes.

Macrocarpa Cypress is sustainably sourced from Millgrove, Victoria.

Three packs are available:

- 185x22, 167 coverage, 40lm
- 135x22 pre-oiled, contains sapwood, 70lm 
- 185x22 pre-oiled, contains sapwood, 65lm 
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