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Garden Veggie Bed Kits

Garden Veggie Bed Kits

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Garden Veggie Bed Kits

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Introducing our Salvaged Cypress Veggie Bed Kits - the perfect solution for eco-conscious gardeners who prioritise sustainability without compromising on quality or aesthetics. 

Our kits are designed to provide a hassle-free gardening experience, whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting out. Natural resistance to decay and insects of Macrocarpa Cypress sleepers ensures that your veggie bed will withstand the test of time. Weathered appearance adds character and warmth to any outdoor space.

Each kit includes all the necessary timber and screws, ensuring a seamless DIY process. Prices start at just $285 for a 1200x70cm bed at a height of 40cm.

Don't see the perfect size for your space? No problem! We also offer custom sizing to suit your garden's unique dimensions. Get in touch with our carpentry team to enquire.

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