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Pre-Laminate Shelves

Pre-Laminate Shelves

Pre-Laminate Shelves

Pre-Laminate Shelves

Pre-Laminate Shelves

Pre-Laminate Shelves


Pre-Laminate Shelves

Transform Your Space with Our Pre-Laminate Shelves

Discover the effortless way to enhance your living space with our new pre-laminate shelves! Perfect for DIY enthusiasts seeking a quick and stylish upgrade, these shelves offer a ready-made solution to elevate any room with ease.

Available in lengths from 1.2m to 2.4m and a range of finishes such as Manna Gum and Shining Gum, our shelves combine functionality with sleek design, ensuring they seamlessly integrate into any space. 

Finished dimension is 375x19.

Complete our product enquiry form or contact our team of timber merchants for questions you have about ordering our laminate shelves.