Zero Carbon Moreland

Zero Carbon Moreland

We are chuffed to be featured over on Zero Carbon Moreland.

"Timber is a key ingredient when renovating or undertaking DIY projects at home, but few of us know how to avoid buying unsustainable timber – especially timber logged from irreplaceable old growth tropical rainforests in SE Asia and the Amazon.

Enter CERES Fair Wood. Started by CERES in 2017, Fair Wood social enterprise’s mission is to teach us how to replace timbers like common decking Merbau or Cumaru, with locally-grown, affordable and faster-growing options.

“Fair Wood timber is different to what you get in a typical wood supply store,” says Fair Wood General Manager, Hayden Cronin.

“Everything we stock has been sourced locally – from trees that need to be cut down for safety reasons to well managed plantations. We source trees from homeowners, councils, arborists, farmers – people keen to make sure that trees that need to be cut down are used for something more valuable than woodchips.”

Fair Wood’s huge range of timbers can be used for everything from veggie boxes, decking, fencing and furniture making, to home construction. “We keep our prices competitive through short supply chains and know that by sourcing locally, we’re employing local people,” says Hayden.

“People love that every piece of timber in our warehouse has a story. We know where each tree was grown, why it came down and the name of the miller. This knowledge translates into people’s projects and makes them special.”

If you’re thinking about using timber for a project “drop into our Preston warehouse and say hi”!

You can read it here and see the other great Moreland company we keep.